Plant tours are a practical corporate social responsibility activity that Isuzu Vietnam actively supports and regularly organizes in collaboration with schools and educational institutions across Ho Chi Minh City.

On the morning of August 27th, 2024, representatives of the organizing committee from the Binh Chanh District Youth Union and 40 students from Binh Chanh Gifted Physical Education High School visited and experienced firsthand the working environment and corporate culture at the Isuzu Vietnam plant. They also engaged in discussions, learned valuable work experiences, and acquired essential skills for the workplace.

The students toured the entire automobile assembly process at Isuzu Vietnam plant, from individual parts and components to the finished product. They were also introduced to the advanced production technologies currently being applied at the plant.

Photo: Isuzu Vietnam representatives discussing and providing safety training for the students at Binh Chanh Gifted Physical Education High School.

The plant tour provided students with a deeper understanding, offering them a more realistic, clear, and comprehensive view of the world around them and career prospects in society in general and in the automotive industry in particular. By raising questions, and discussing industry-related topics, career development opportunities, and the working environment, the students were able to partly shape their desired career paths.

Photo: Students being guided on a tour of the Isuzu Vietnam plants.

The plant tour program not only enhanced students’ knowledge and skills but, more importantly, helped them develop a serious and professional attitude towards their studies, preparing them to meet future job requirements. Isuzu Vietnam has always been an effective bridge, connecting businesses and schools to foster relationships that serve the shared goal of providing students with practical knowledge and skills—crucial foundations for future career development.

Representatives from the Binh Chanh District Youth Union expressed their heartfelt thanks to the leadership of Isuzu Vietnam for supporting the students with such an engaging and educational tour.

Photo: Students taking a commemorative photo at Isuzu Vietnam after the tour and hands-on experience.

The visit concluded successfully, leaving a lasting impression of Isuzu Vietnam as a professional and friendly company, committed to sharing its social responsibilities. The event contributed to helping the younger generation orient their careers early, empowering them to take control of their future and become outstanding citizens of society.

10 September, 2024

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